
Season 2


Ready Your Swords!

1,000 amazing & and treacherous KaijinZ living on the Solana blockchain. All of our NFTs are created using hundreds of unique hand drawn items.

SamuraiZ Gif


Stage #1

Season 1 Created 500 unique SamuraiZ dedicating all their efforts to amazing art and revolutionary Algorithms. Sold out in 30 minutes.

Stage #2

First NFT project to have commercial e-book airdrop and incorporate extensability. affiliate link and earn 10% on everyone minting after clicking on your link. We had multiple airdrops for season 1 and Halloween

Stage #3

Because of Delays in Updates, we had to switch to Sol, which has the only Metaverse outside of Eth. We will be there. You will join us. Launching on the Solana Blockchain.Listed on every major marketplaces (,, We will also implement the PHBT as pioneered by DG

Stage #4

After we sell out, we will focus on the community. 10% will be allocated to the community wallet. Members will decide what they want to do with it through our DAO. 75% of all secondary market sales royalties will go directly to the community wallet.

Stage #5

DAO is coming! Each NFT will give you a voting right in our DAO. Merch is coming!

Stage #6

Our own metaverse. Moon Landing. Season 3.

Stage #7




  • Are these cards hand-drawn? Recycled?
  • What happens to Cardano Buyers?
  • What is this about a Metaverse?
  • There are a lot of rugs, how do we know this isn't a rug?
  • Why don't you doxx?
  • Where or how do I mint?
  • Why did you switch to Solana? Do you hate it?


In an alternate Feudal Japan, there is a world full of Samurais who cherish tradition honor, loyalty, tradition and the code of the warrior above all else. There are also their mortal enemies, the Kaijins. They who were once a part of the Samurai society, until they were infected, broke their oaths, and turned into monsters wandering in the darkness...

When the infection started, the samurai thought it was only a plague. Once the infection started to spread, the Samurais noticed something was wrong. Crops had stopped growing. Fish in the rivers began dying. It rained acid and blood. Men who were once Samurai had broken not only their bones, but their sacred oaths. Something was wrong, but it wasn’t yet clear what.

Then after some months had passed, a Kaijin began to openly wander the surface of the earth and lurk in the shadows no longer. The Samurais spotted the Kaijin first on their own and then in small groups. They were shocked to see their first kaijin and killed them instantly on sight. Both sides had met for the very first time...

Knowing now of each other's existence, they began to forge their armor and weapons, each unique and beneficial to their own unique and amplifying their innate abilities. The Kaijins also took their armor that they already once had as a samurai and modified it to suit their newly infected bodies. Both sides prepare for a battle that would happen soon and a war that would rage across the future. Will the Samurais be able to defend their empire? What was the source of the infection that turned the Kaijins? Who will prevail?

Join us on SamuraiZ! In our exciting journey as we uncover the mysteries in this fantasy world of Samurais!